
All My Leftists Live In Texas is an online outlet and podcast that aims to promote engagement in Texas politics on a state and local level.

Trying to dig through the flood of information online about local politics is, at the very least, a daunting task. Many of us want to be engaged with local elections and current events but soon learn that it's nearly impossible to gain a thorough understanding on even some of the most basic topics. My aim is to make the journey of getting informed an easier one. My intention here is to:

  • provide an outlet for concise and comprehensive information relating to local politics
  • inspire regular political activism that improves society and how we work together 
  • find and unite all the leftists in Texas to form a statewide leftist community 

Overcoming oppression is an experience many of us Texans have in common. Most of us here have had to hide our political beliefs and who we are in fear of our Trump-supporting neighbors. And all of us understand that our current Texas needs to be better. It's my belief that these shared experiences living in an oppressive state make our bond stronger, and we can use that bond to create real, substantial, positive change. 

So I read things and then write things and say things with hopes that people tuning in leave more informed than they were before and feel better equipped to fight for what's right.

I hope to use All My Leftists Live In Texas as a community space where we can all learn together. That means if I missed something, got something wrong, or whatever else, please don't hesitate to reach out with questions/comments/concerns. 

Love, Maddy

about maddy

In July of 2020, I was crying into a series of job applications on Indeed when I received a phone call from my friend Logan. He was like "Hey what are you doing?" and I was like "literally crying into a series of job applications on Indeed." and he was like "well what if we started a podcast?" And All My Leftists Live In Texas was born. 

Prior to this, I felt like I was just digitally screaming into the Facebook ethers trying to get my friends to vote. Now I'm screaming with a bit more intention, to a crowd that's a bit more engaged. 

I'm basically just a waitress who cares. My degree is in music education (bassoon!) but I soon learned I'd rather be exploited in the service industry than the education field, so here we are. All this to say, I'm figuring all this out as I go and sharing what what I'm learning with y'all. I created this page to talk about current events & issues, not to talk about me, though. So let's get to it. :-)